The Best Unemployment Insurance

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In my role as President of BravoTECH, I have developed relationships with a wide range of IT leaders, managers, VPs and CIOs across the country. Over the years I have had the opportunity to help many talented executives after they were forced to make a career change.

The unexpected loss of a job can be traumatic. In many cases, my first conversation with someone in transition goes something like this: “I was heads down, doing my job and BAM, they let me go. I have no idea what to do now.” They were laid off, the company merged, new management made some changes…whatever the situation, they suddenly need a new game plan, fast.

There is an abundance of advice out there about what to do after the loss of a job, but for those who are currently employed, there is something you should do now, before your situation changes. Time and again, I have watched IT executives remain unemployed for an extended time because they had failed to build relationships outside their last company. In today’s environment, networking is one of the best things you can do to increase the value you bring to your current employer and ensure your future marketability.

Networking is not contrary to your current company’s interests.  It allows you to gain intelligence about what other successful companies are doing. Meeting other professionals with similar roles helps you learn best practices, test company metrics, and meet people who may be a good fit for your team.

The New Year is a great time to expand your professional network. Make a call to an old friend at another firm, link to a colleague in another industry, or join a professional organization and volunteer for one of their committees. Attend events where you are likely to meet the innovators and heavy hitters within your industry. Effective networking is the best unemployment insurance there is.

To get you started, here’s a list of events we are hosting at the BravoTECH office this month. All of events are free to attend and are full of valuable industry information.